Rare Plants in Minnesota
This is not a complete list, but we're working on it! To learn more about rare species in Minnesota, visit the MN Department of Natural Resources Rare Species Guide.
Hammarbya paludosaBog Adder's-mouth
(Endangered) -
Hasteola suaveolensSweet-smelling Indian Plantain
(Endangered) -
Helianthus nuttalliiNuttall's Sunflower
(Special Concern) -
Heteranthera limosaBlue Mud Plantain
(Threatened) -
Homalosorus pycnocarposNarrow-leaved Spleenwort
(Threatened) -
Hudsonia tomentosaBeach Heather
(Threatened) -
Huperzia appressaAppalachian Firmoss
(Special Concern) -
Huperzia porophilaRock Firmoss
(Threatened) -
Hydrastis canadensisGolden Seal
(Endangered) -
Hydrocotyle americanaAmerican Water Pennywort
(Special Concern) -
Iodanthus pinnatifidusPurple Rocket
(Endangered) -
Isoetes melanopodaPrairie Quillwort
(Endangered) -
Jeffersonia diphyllaTwinleaf
(Special Concern) -
Juglans cinereaButternut
(Endangered) -
Juncus articulatusJointed Rush
(Endangered) -
Juncus marginatusGrassleaf Rush
(Endangered) -
Juncus stygiusBog Rush
(Special Concern) -
Juniperus horizontalisCreeping Juniper
(Special Concern) -
Lechea tenuifoliaNarrowleaf Pinweed
(Endangered) -
Leersia lenticularisCatchfly Grass
(Threatened) -
Lespedeza leptostachyaPrairie Bush Clover
(Threatened) -
Limosella aquaticaMudwort
(Special Concern) -
Littorella americanaAmerican Shoreweed
(Special Concern) -
Luzula parvifloraSmall-flowered Woodrush
(Threatened) -
Lysimachia quadrifoliaWhorled Loosestrife
(Special Concern) -
Malaxis monophyllosWhite Adder's-mouth
(Special Concern) -
Marsilea vestitaHairy Water Clover
(Endangered) -
Melica nitensThree-flowered Melic
(Threatened) -
Minuartia dawsonensisRock Sandwort
(Threatened) -
Moehringia macrophyllaLarge-leaved Sandwort
(Threatened) -
Montia chamissoiWater Minerslettuce
(Endangered) -
Muhlenbergia unifloraBog Muhly
(Special Concern) -
Najas gracillimaSlender Waternymph
(Special Concern) -
Najas guadalupensisSouthern Waternymph
(Special Concern) -
Najas marinaSpiny Naiad
(Special Concern) -
Napaea dioicaGlade Mallow
(Threatened) -
Neottia auriculataAuricled Twayblade
(Endangered) -
Nuttallanthus canadensisOld-field Toadflax
(Special Concern) -
Nymphaea leibergiiSmall White Water-lily
(Threatened) -
Oenothera rhombipetalaFourpoint Evening Primrose
(Special Concern)