Rare Plants in Minnesota
This is not a complete list, but we're working on it! To learn more about rare species in Minnesota, visit the MN Department of Natural Resources Rare Species Guide.
Oenothera rhombipetalaFourpoint Evening Primrose
(Special Concern) -
Opuntia macrorhizaPlains Prickly Pear
(Special Concern) -
Orobanche fasciculataClustered Broomrape
(Threatened) -
Orobanche ludovicianaLouisiana Broomrape
(Threatened) -
Orobanche unifloraOne-flowered Broomrape
(Threatened) -
Oxytropis borealis var. viscidaSticky Locoweed
(Endangered) -
Packera canaWoolly Groundsel
(Endangered) -
Packera indecoraElegant Groundsel
(Endangered) -
Panax quinquefoliusAmerican Ginseng
(Special Concern) -
Paronychia canadensisSmooth Forked Nailwort
(Endangered) -
Parthenium integrifoliumWild Quinine
(Endangered) -
Pellaea atropurpureaPurple Cliff Brake
(Special Concern) -
Persicaria careyiCarey's Smartweed
(Special Concern) -
Phacelia frankliniiFranklin's Phacelia
(Threatened) -
Phegopteris hexagonopteraBroad Beech Fern
(Endangered) -
Phemeranthus rugospermusRough-seeded Fameflower
(Threatened) -
Phlox maculataWild Sweet William
(Special Concern) -
Physaria ludovicianaBladderpod
(Endangered) -
Pinguicula vulgarisButterwort
(Special Concern) -
Piptatherum canadenseCanadian Rice Grass
(Threatened) -
Plagiobothrys scouleriSleeping Popcornflower
(Special Concern) -
Plantago elongataSlender Plantain
(Special Concern) -
Platanthera clavellataSmall Green Wood Orchid
(Special Concern) -
Platanthera flava var. herbiolaTubercled Rein Orchid
(Threatened) -
Platanthera praeclaraWestern Prairie Fringed Orchid
(Endangered) -
Poa paludigenaBog Bluegrass
(Threatened) -
Polanisia jamesiiJames' Polanisia
(Endangered) -
Polemonium lacustreGreat Lakes Jacob's Ladder
(Endangered) -
Polygala cruciataCross-leaved Milkwort
(Endangered) -
Polystichum acrostichoidesChristmas Fern
(Endangered) -
Polystichum brauniiBraun's Holly Fern
(Threatened) -
Polytaenia nuttalliiPrairie Parsley
(Special Concern) -
Psoralidium tenuiflorumSlenderleaf Scurfpea
(Endangered) -
Pyrola minorSmall Shinleaf
(Special Concern) -
Quercus bicolorSwamp White Oak
(Special Concern) -
Ranunculus lapponicusLapland Buttercup
(Special Concern) -
Rhodiola integrifolia subsp. leedyiLeedy's Roseroot
(Endangered) -
Rhynchospora capillaceaNeedle Beaksedge
(Threatened) -
Rotala ramosiorToothcup
(Threatened) -
Rubus chamaemorusCloudberry