Help Support This Web Site

goal $10000
$6316 donated

This website is run by a tiny group who poured their own savings into this project from its inception in 2007. We were granted temporary funding through the Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund (ENRTF), which ended June, 2020, but our work is not done. We still have a list of appoximately 300 species yet to cover, many of which are very rare natives or obscure weeds, and some of which will likely require travel to other states where they are more common.

In addition to adding the last Minnesota species on the list, the website itself is due for system upgrades and modernizations that have been put aside for too long due to lack of time and resources. These updates are necessary, will require the assistance of technology experts and will not come cheaply. We also want to build a fund reserve that will keep the website online long into the future.

Since 2020 we've had well over 1,000,000 users per year. If every person who used this web site more than once gave just $3, we would have enough funds to cover all of our costs—forever. Many people have asked us to add more information per species, expand search criteria and add new features, but these cannot be done without financial support. Will you chip in to support features you want to see on this web site?

As one user put it:

"I have to say that I think this website is beyond fantastic. I use over a dozen websites to identify wildflowers, and while many of them are very helpful, is head and shoulders above the others. This is where I always start. I can't thank you enough for making this resource available."

And from a professor of plant biology:

"I am putting together a web site for the flowers of Idaho and go search each species for info from other sites. I love this site and your descriptions are the best and to the point of any I find."

We've had numerous similar testimonials praising this project. If you, too, find Minnesota Wildflowers a useful resource, please help us keep it going and keep it growing.

As a 501(c)(3) public charity, all donations are tax-deductible. Please consider giving to a resource that will give back to many, for many years to come. Thank you for your support!

Make a donation, get a screensaver!

Our gift to you for any donation!

As our thanks to you, donate any amount and get a set of 20 images of native prairie wildflowers—14MB of imagery to use as a screensaver, wallpaper or any other personal use. After your donation is processed follow the link to return to this web site and receive download instructions.

Your donations help fund ongoing web development and hosting costs, as well as the extensive field work necessary to keep expanding the site with new species. No amount is too small, and we appreciate whatever you can give.

You may also send donations payable to:
Minnesota Wildflowers Information
1590 Long Lake Rd
New Brighton, MN 55112

Thank you for your support!