Green Minnesota Wildflowers
These wildflowers include the color range of whitish green to yellowish green. Color is subjective, however, so if you don't see what you're looking for here you might try another color or the advanced plant search. If you still can't find it post it on our Facebook page.
- Plantago lanceolataEnglish Plantain
- Plantago majorCommon Plantain
- Plantago rugeliiRugel's Plantain
- Fallopia convolvulusBlack-bindweed
- Fallopia scandensClimbing False Buckwheat
- Polygonum achoreumLeathery Knotweed
- Polygonum tenueSlender Knotweed
- Rumex acetosaGreen Sorrel
- Rumex altissimusPale Dock
- Rumex britannicaGreat Water Dock
- Rumex crispusCurly Dock
- Rumex fueginusGolden Dock
- Rumex longifoliusDooryard Dock
- Rumex obtusifoliusBitter Dock
- Rumex patientiaPatience Dock
- Rumex pseudonatronatusField Dock
- Rumex stenophyllusNarrowleaf Dock
- Rumex triangulivalvisMexican Dock
- Rumex verticillatusSwamp Dock
- Myosurus minimusMousetail
- Thalictrum dioicumEarly Meadow Rue
- Thalictrum venulosumVeiny Meadow Rue
- Galium circaezansLicorice Bedstraw
- Galium triflorumFragrant Bedstraw
- Polygonatum biflorumSmooth Solomon's Seal
- Polygonatum pubescensHairy Solomon's Seal
- Sarracenia purpureaPurple Pitcher Plant
- Chrysosplenium americanumAmerican Golden Saxifrage
- Chrysosplenium iowenseIowa Golden Saxifrage
- Heuchera richardsoniiPrairie Alumroot
- Micranthes pensylvanicaSwamp Saxifrage
- Mitella nudaNaked Miterwort
- Scheuchzeria palustrisRannoch-rush
- Smilax ecirrhataUpright Carrion Flower
- Smilax illinoensisIllinois Carrion Flower
- Smilax lasioneuraBlue Ridge Carrion Flower
- Smilax tamnoidesBristly Greenbrier
- Typha angustifoliaNarrow-leaved Cattail
- Typha latifoliaBroad-leaf Cat-tail
- Typha X glaucaHybrid Cattail