Monolepis nuttalliana (Nuttall's Povertyweed)
Also known as: | |
Genus: | Monolepis |
Family: | Amaranthaceae (Amaranth) |
Life cycle: | annual |
Origin: | native |
Habitat: | part shade, sun; moist to dry alkaline soil; roadsides, fields, floodplains, wetlands, pond margins |
Bloom season: | May - July |
Plant height: | 4 to 20 inches |
Wetland Indicator Status: | GP: FAC MW: UPL NCNE: UPL |
MN county distribution (click map to enlarge): | |
National distribution (click map to enlarge): |
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Detailed Information
One to numerous tiny flowers are tightly packed in round clusters (glomerules) in leaf axils along most of the stem. Flowers are either pistillate (female) or perfect (both male and female parts). Both lack petals, have a round, green ovary with a 2-parted style at the tip; perfect flowers usually have a single stamen, sometimes two.
Cupping the flower is a green calyx with a single lobe that is green, leaf-like, and twice or more as long as the flower. The calyx and stalks may be sparsely white-mealy when young, becoming smooth.
Leaves and stems:
Leaves are alternate, ½ to 2½ inches long, up to about ½ inch wide, triangular to arrowhead-shaped in outline, the lower leaves with a pair of lobes near the base, sometimes with 1 or 2 additional smaller lobes or large teeth, and the upper leaves mostly lance-elliptic, unlobed and reduced to bracts. Surfaces are sparsely white-mealy when young, becoming smooth with age. Lower leaves usually have the longest stalks, becoming short stalked to stalkless on the upper stem. Stems are multiple and branched from the base, green to reddish, finely ribbed, ascending to spreading, sometimes prostrate but rising near the tip (decumbent).
Fruit is a dry seed enclosed in the persistent ovary shell (pericarp) that matures from green to gray-brown. Seeds are flattened oval, 1 to 2 mm long, lightly pitted on the surface.
Nuttall's Povertyweed, sometimes known as Blitum nuttalianum, is fairly common in the western half of North America from Mexico to Alaska, and reaches the eastern fringe of its US range in Minnesota, though it's only been recorded here twice and not since 1944. Farther east it is considered introduced, showing up along roadsides, farm fields, and other disturbed areas; in its native range it is often found in alkaline, clay soils. It is similar to some of the related Chenopodium species, which have 5 calyx lobes of more or less equal size, where Monolepis has only one lobe that is rather leaf-like and may be taken for a bract. If you happen to spot this species in Minnesota, congratulations—you'll have moved this species off the Historical list!
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More photos
- Nuttall's Povertyweed plant
- Nuttall's Povertyweed plant with decumbent/ascending stems
- Nuttall's Povertyweed plant with prostrate stems
- more leaves
Photos by Peter M. Dziuk taken in North Dakota.
Have you seen this plant in Minnesota, or have any other comments about it?
on: 2019-06-01 21:33:12
Not sure I've got this one right, but Hutchinson is in Meeker County, close to Renville County, where this plant has been recorded; the pictures look right to me; the site was gravelly and dry, and the sighting was on May 31. I've also checked a few other sites that came up on google and a lot of pictures match what I've go. I'd be delighted to email pictures to you. If I'm wrong on this and you know what my pictures are, I'd appreciate you telling me, Bob
on: 2024-12-18 04:15:08
Do you know if the ripe seeds shape can be Pyramidal or Triangular? Are the seeds always flat like other Chenopodiums? I couldn't find a photo of Ripe Seeds to compare it with.
on: 2024-12-18 06:39:48
Mike, Flora of North America describes the seeds as "dark-brown to black, laterally flattened, broadly ovoid"; there is an illustration on their page. What you may have is one of the weedy Atriplex species.