Sanguinaria canadensis (Bloodroot)
Also known as: | |
Genus: | Sanguinaria |
Family: | Papaveraceae (Poppy) |
Life cycle: | perennial |
Origin: | native |
Habitat: | part shade, shade; woods |
Bloom season: | March - May |
Plant height: | 6 to 12 inches |
Wetland Indicator Status: | GP: UPL MW: FACU NCNE: FACU |
MN county distribution (click map to enlarge): | |
National distribution (click map to enlarge): |
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Detailed Information
A single flower is at the end of a naked stem growing directly from the ground. Each flower typically has 8 to 10 white petals, but double flowers sometimes occur. The petals have many parallel veins and often 4 of the petals are longer than the others. In the center is a cluster of many golden yellow-tipped stamens. A flower blooms for only a day or two before dying.
Leaves and stem:
Leaves are basal and lobed in 3 to 9 parts, generally round in outline, up to 5 inches long and wide with a deep indent at the base. The leaf edges are scalloped or have large rounded teeth. A leaf initially wraps around the flower stalk but opens up and reaches full size when the flower wilts, its stem elongating several inches. Leaf and flower stems both are round and smooth with a reddish tint.
Fruit is a spindle-shaped capsule about 1 inch long, containing 10 to 15 seeds.
Bloodroot is one of the harbingers of spring, sometimes emerging while snow is still on the ground, and is a welcome sight after a long Minnesota winter. A red juice bleeds from broken stems, leaves and roots, and is where the common name originates.
Native Plant Nurseries, Restoration and Landscaping Services ↓
More photos
- Bloodroot plants
- budding Bloodroot
- more plants
- Bloodroot seeds
- atypical double flowers
- Bloodroot with White Trout Lily and a bit of snow
Photos by K. Chayka taken at Nerstrand Big Woods State Park, Rice County, and Wild River State Park, Chisago County. Other photos courtesy Peter M. Dziuk.
Have you seen this plant in Minnesota, or have any other comments about it?
on: 2009-05-22 11:29:22
Our backyard backs up to Battle Creek Park - My husband spotted 2 small but plentifully blooming spots in the park during walks and at the same time we found 6-10 volunteers growing just outside our bedroom window. A fascinating plant to watch - we are now getting the seed pods and will try to grow it. Certainly hope they come back next year.
on: 2009-05-30 15:52:00
In a small woods on my property in Le Sueur County, there are several large patches of bloodroots that bloom each spring -- this year the first blossoms had appeared by April 17, according to my notes.
on: 2010-04-07 19:06:04
spotted in the back yard, hard to see because of the leaf cover, flower still closed. Tiny plant with pure white flowers and butter yellow stamens. One of the first few wildflowers to emerge to announce spring. I will have to watch it in the next few days to see the flower open.
on: 2010-05-05 02:48:25
All of our blooms were gone the last week in April.
on: 2012-03-26 16:00:51
Bloodroot is already blooming. Saw it in the woods yesterday. A surprise for March.
on: 2012-03-28 10:29:40
Many patches of blood root along the side of the trail. The leaves are still folded around the flower stem like they were hugging the flower. Very pretty.
on: 2012-04-01 17:11:07
Early this year! Very perky, and blooms are quite large.
on: 2012-04-08 13:31:32
We have several patches growing in our yard. In addition, the ditches are full of these small, pretty flowers.
on: 2012-04-14 17:53:15
Along the main path and the dirt path.
on: 2012-04-21 18:52:09
Found many patches of these flowers growing in the road dithes. The first time we've ever seen these.
on: 2012-04-24 20:54:50
finally after 2 years my transplanted ones bloomed...6 blossoms! so delicate and pretty.
on: 2012-04-30 13:36:50
While looking for morel mushrooms in our woods, we have come across many of these beautiful little wildflowers this week! I wish we'd find as many mushrooms as there are these flowers!
on: 2012-05-04 09:16:18
We found these growing in the woods in Glendalough State Park, (in Battle Lake Minnesota) on April 30th and May 1st.
on: 2013-05-08 10:01:45
We have several small patches in our wooded, Eden Prairie back yard. I noticed the flowers on May 6.
on: 2013-05-24 12:05:04
We have these growing in our little woods next to the house. My mom would call them May floweres because they would always bloom in May.
on: 2013-06-29 19:28:27
Blood root has been growing in several spots on our property which has a small segment of woods. The trees are self seeded maple and elm which have all been removed now either from natural dying, dutch elm disease (we removed) or lightning which took our last tree which was about 100 feet tall and about 100-130 years old. I wasn't able to get back there this spring to see the blood root because of an injury but I have seen them every year for the 25 years we have been here.
on: 2014-05-04 17:34:46
Spotted these flowers today for the first time. Ventured down the hill of our wooded conservation area behind our house. Sure sign of spring!
on: 2014-05-05 10:47:53
I saw these along the Cannon Valley Trail on May 3, 2014.
on: 2014-05-18 18:38:04
Blooming in large patches along the Munger Trail today, near Jay Cooke State Park.
on: 2015-04-13 14:07:01
Beautiful colonies growing on the hillsides on the north side of the lake.
on: 2015-04-14 18:19:07
Can you tell me if a flower I picked as a child in the Minnetonka, MN area that bloomed like a Bloodroot, but had white and light lavender blooms and a med. green leaf that we called "Mayflowers," is some kind of sub species of Bloodroot? I had many questions from Coloradoans when I mentioned "Mayflowers" to them. Any clarity will be appreciated! Thank you.
on: 2015-04-14 20:48:07
Sara, pretty much anything that blooms in May has been called a Mayflower by someone at sometime so it could be any number of species. I don't know what you mean by "bloomed like a bloodroot", but whatever it was you remember from your childhood is unrelated to bloodroot.
on: 2015-04-17 11:55:28
Sara- I'll bet those were Hepatica- we called them the same thing and the flower color varied from white to lavender blues and purples.
on: 2015-04-18 21:19:30
Quite a few of these at Oxbow Park.
on: 2016-04-14 08:42:58
week of 4/11/16 - our small patch of these is blooming and has spread uphill in our wildflower patch. Along with siberian squill, bloodroots are 1st sign of spring. I am an amatuer phenologist.
on: 2016-05-01 19:56:33
Bloodroot has been blooming for the past week on our 40 acres. There's like, a gazillion of them!
on: 2016-05-02 12:50:53
We've lived in our house for 40 years and let the back yard go wild about 25 years ago. We've transplanted Trillium from our cabin back there, but no other wild flowers, they have just appeared, but for the first time we have two Bloodroot ready to bloom...a wonderful surprise.
on: 2016-05-09 13:38:44
Found some in Lake County on May 8, 2016...Mother's Day. I didn't know what it was so I came to this website and there it was, the bloodroot.
on: 2016-05-23 15:03:40
We were at Minneopa State Park (near Mankato) down by the bottom of the waterfall and I saw Bloodroot, with a bud not yet open. We also saw lots of old blossoms on wild ginger and the Jack-in-the-Pulpit were blooming (on their way out).
on: 2017-04-18 12:38:54
Found a large patch coming up in a wet field adjacent to a wooded area near Beebe Lake.
on: 2017-04-21 17:16:58
Lots of the bloodroot in the dog park back in the wooded area. Very pretty.
on: 2017-04-22 21:21:10
Two patches on the east side of Grove Lake blooming now. I have seen these blooming every spring for many years.
on: 2018-05-02 15:19:26
A few in-bloom bloodroot spotted here and there throughout the woods in Oxbow Park today, but no big patches. A number of blooms were still unopened--they are blooming late this year thanks to the extended winter! Nowhere near as prolific in Oxbow as the white trout lilies, dutchman's breeches, or even false rue anemone.
on: 2018-05-03 20:48:57
There are several large patches of Sanguinaria Canadensis - Bloodroot on the MN River Bluffs trail 100 yards west of the Shady Oak Rd overpass about on the south slope of the trail. These patches have been established for years and are a delight to see. Given their short bloom time be quick if you'd like to see them.
on: 2018-05-07 15:17:01
Several patches of Bloodroot spotted growing in the leafy undergrowth of the hillside woods in the dappled sunlight on the edge of Long Lake, Scilla interspersed. May 5-May 7, 2018
on: 2018-05-11 11:34:01
First time catching the blooms in my perennial garden. I've seen the distinct leaf in years prior. I did not plant this in the garden. BEAUTIFUL! excited to id the plant using this site.
on: 2018-08-11 08:11:02
This is another plant appeared in the moist woods behind our lake cottage after the removal of buckthorn!
on: 2019-05-01 10:26:12
Tons of bloodroot was out in buds, or just open, in Interstate Park last weekend.
on: 2019-05-01 13:45:41
Are these edible?
on: 2019-05-04 11:18:50
Found in our Maple Forest woods.
on: 2019-05-05 20:07:30
Spotted a large patch yesterday. I had cleared a lot of invasives from there last fall. They are just a perfect flower
on: 2019-05-06 12:08:34
Live in a wooded development and have some plants scattered throughout, on the edges of the woods.
on: 2019-05-18 14:32:15
A few pretty large patches on the path below the VA
on: 2020-02-13 02:33:30
It is very prolific in our pine woods.
on: 2020-04-10 15:24:04
They are just coming up in the wooded area between Bde Maka Ska and Lake Harriet. They are thick in the woods.
on: 2020-04-20 10:56:59
Removed quite a bit of buckthorn nearby and this wonder of a flower popped up! Located in oak/maple woods frequented by wild turkeys, near the edge of our property.
on: 2020-04-20 11:32:58
At William O'Brien State Park, up-slope from Lake Alice, seen budding (with leaf still wrapped around flowering stem/petiole) on Friday 4/17/2020. I've never caught them so early! I was there to see Anemone americana (hepatica) of which there was lots
on: 2020-04-21 11:25:58
Found blooming along the trail in Spring Lake Regional Park, smaller batches. A crisp, small bright beauty!
on: 2020-04-22 21:05:47
I spotted some Bloodroot just about to bloom this morning at Root River Park just south of Rochester.
on: 2020-04-25 21:26:45
Battle Creek Park in St Paul
on: 2020-04-28 16:30:52
Observed a single Bloodroot flower in a lowland forested area of Barsness park during a walk on Monday afternoon April 27th and then a very large patch of many Bloodroot flowers on a 45degree side hill facing south with many trees about the small creek in the park. Have some great pictures and I would be willing to share.
on: 2020-04-29 20:15:03
Just got back from a walk near French Park. These big leaves hiding a few shy flowers right along the path by West Medicine Lake Drive.
on: 2020-05-01 10:55:20
On my daily walk along my mile long driveway. A nice surprise.
on: 2020-05-04 21:20:13
We saw quite few scattered along the Arik Pond and River Trails at Wild River State Park today, 5/4/20.
on: 2020-05-13 13:48:12
5/12/2020 I checked a small patch of bloodroot in Hartley Park here in Duluth. Many leaves but only two flowers, many fewer than two years ago at the same time and place.
on: 2021-03-12 20:38:35
Our patch of backyard blood root has popped up and is about 1/4? tall with many other tips poking up.
on: 2021-04-05 21:53:16
6 plants were blooming on Easter. all 7 areas are blooming now on Easter Monday. Wow so pretty! pink & white.
on: 2021-04-18 22:01:28
I spotted several of these along West Rim Trail at Beaver Creek Valley State park today. April, 18th.
on: 2021-05-01 08:14:35
Several of these popped up on the north side of my house, in the flowerbed. They are now everywhere, mostly spreading via underground shoots but also quite obviously by seed. I love them but may move some since they are crowding out some other flowers.
on: 2021-05-16 10:27:23
New home with a huge garden. These first popped up on April 6th of this year for us. Such a welcome sight after winter!
on: 2022-05-02 13:20:08
Around 1986, my backyard neighbor pointed out some plants at the edge of a very small patch of woods in my 1 acre yard. She mistakenly called them "Dog Tooth Violets" and they weren't blooming, and I forgot about them. A few years later In that location I saw Sanguinaria Canadensis in full bloom around April 20th. They were POSITIVELY Bloodroot. Since then I've also seen many while exploring the neighborhood woods. Last year on Stanford Ave out of sight, past the edge of a ravine at Chester Creek, there was a whole hillside covered with hundreds of blooming Bloodroot flowers.
on: 2022-05-09 17:25:27
This is the first time I've seen bloodroot in my yard. It's blooming in one of the hosta gardens and is so pretty!
on: 2022-05-10 16:13:24
Just found a patch of them on some ground that we had cleared some brush off of last fall. We live by Strawberry Lake in Becker county.
on: 2023-04-15 15:13:42
There was on patch blooming on the trial to the left of the overlook. I was able to take pictures.
on: 2023-04-30 14:37:35
These are just starting to bloom on April 30, 2023 at Murphy Hanrehan Park Reserve between marker 22 and the trailhead. I saw a big patch of them last summer and went back to catch them in bloom.
on: 2023-05-03 16:44:24
Sara and Lynette, thanks for the reference to Hepatica. Google Lens could only find Twinleaf. Then, This website referred to this page, from which you referred to Hepatica, which seems to be what I'm looking at, out in the open-space.
on: 2024-04-24 16:27:05
My dad's place has these growing in the ditch near the road. He lives north of Foley about a mile.
on: 2024-04-25 23:59:21
One of my Spring favorites. Delighted to find it growing along the St. Louis River as you follow the path up the river.