Green Minnesota Wildflowers
These wildflowers include the color range of whitish green to yellowish green. Color is subjective, however, so if you don't see what you're looking for here you might try another color or the advanced plant search. If you still can't find it post it on our Facebook page.
- Acorus americanusSweet-flag
- Adoxa moschatellinaMoschatel
- Amaranthus albusTumbleweed Amaranth
- Amaranthus blitoidesProstrate Pigweed
- Amaranthus tuberculatusRough-fruited Waterhemp
- Bassia scopariaSummer Cypress
- Chenopodium albumLamb's-quarters
- Chenopodium berlandieriPitseed Goosefoot
- Chenopodium capitatumStrawberry Blite
- Chenopodium glaucumOak-leaved Goosefoot
- Chenopodium pratericolaDesert Goosefoot
- Chenopodium rubrumRed Goosefoot
- Chenopodium simplexMaple-leaf Goosefoot
- Chenopodium standleyanumWoodland Goosefoot
- Cycloloma atriplicifoliumWinged Pigweed
- Dysphania botrysJerusalem Oak
- Monolepis nuttallianaNuttall's Povertyweed
- Salicornia rubraRed Saltwort
- Salsola collinaSlender Russian Thistle
- Salsola tragusRussian Thistle
- Suaeda calceoliformisSeablite
- Toxicodendron rydbergiiWestern Poison Ivy
- Angelica atropurpureaAngelica
- Sanicula canadensisCanadian Black Snakeroot
- Sanicula marilandicaMaryland Black Snakeroot
- Sanicula trifoliataBeaked Snakeroot
- Asclepias amplexicaulisClasping Milkweed
- Asclepias hirtellaPrairie Milkweed
- Asclepias lanuginosaWoolly Milkweed
- Asclepias stenophyllaNarrow-leaved Milkweed
- Asclepias verticillataWhorled Milkweed
- Asclepias viridifloraGreen Milkweed
- Arisaema dracontiumGreen Dragon
- Arisaema triphyllumJack-in-the-Pulpit
- Calla palustrisWild Calla
- Aralia racemosaSpikenard
- Hydrocotyle americanaAmerican Water Pennywort
- Hydrocotyle ranunculoidesFloating Pennywort
- Panax quinquefoliusAmerican Ginseng
- Ambrosia artemisiifoliaCommon Ragweed